The role of sustainable learning policies on the fight against hunger in adult education

Hiran Catuninho Azevedo


We live in an unprecedented world of opulence, but also of extraordinary deprivation and oppression. This paper suggests the role of a sustainable education on the fight against hunger, poverty, and inequalities. If the environmental crisis is not solved, hunger cannot end, especially in underdeveloped countries and regions. Education is, more than ever, an important tool to increase the living standards. Due to sustainable educational processes, we have much more knowledge of how to solve climate problems, reduce poverty and increase food production without destroying Earth resources. Educational processes based on sustainability context also brings the opportunity to rethink the lack of collective coordination, especially among states. We are a civilization that shares the same fate, and together they can build more international cooperation and less competition, and education is a key point to rewrite the human history with no more hunger. Understand how industry and society grow and develop is essential to know how they learn and become productive, and knowledge production, a crucial point in education, already produces countries that are more able than others regarding the development of intensive sectors in state-of-the-art technology, capable of generating more income, better production and reducing their nourishment vulnerability. These effects can be shared with underdeveloped ones. Innovation has been a crucial part of the most developed economies throughout history. The rise of living standards should be attributed to the technological progress, in learning how to do things better. A sustainable educational system is a crucial support to reduce knowledge inequality between developed and underdeveloped countries and help ones with learning difficulties, able to create learning societies free from hunger.

Palabras clave

Education; Reduce Inequalities; Public Policies; Sustainability; Hunger Erradication

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