The preventive character of Disaster Law: tax incentives in environmental, social and governance (ESG) investments as a risk mitigation mechanism

Daniel Dela Coleta Eisaqui, Deilton Ribeiro Brasil


This article analyses the possibility of using tax incentives in environmental, social, and governance (ESG) investments to help prevent disasters. It elucidates whether tax incentives are a useful disaster prevention mechanism and how and what type of tax incentives can be used. Its focus is dogmatic and the method of approach is deductive. The research method is both bibliographic and documental, using doctrine, national legislation, and international treaties. The findings reveal that it is possible to prevent disasters with tax incentives in ESG investments if the economic agents act in accordance with the notion of benefits; moreover, environmentally responsible conduct can be undertaken if it is less costly.


Disaster law; Taxation; ESG investments; Environmental law; Sustainable development

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