Efficiency contracts in the new Brazilian Procurement Law: conceptual framework and international experience

Floriano de Azevedo Marques Neto, Hendrick Pinheiro, Tamara Cukiert


Objective: To analyze efficiency contracts, a contractual modality whose use was expanded by Law no. 14,133/2021, in its conceptual perspective and based on international experiences.
Methodology: Qualitative post-positivist research, exploratory-descriptive, carried out from the analysis of Brazilian, French and American legislative texts and dogmatic bibliographic review of national and foreign doctrine that comment on similar legal figures in other legal systems.
Originality or value: The work is original because it presents a proposal for a conceptual understanding of an institute that has been little applied in the Brazilian legal experience, whose possibility of use was expanded by the new public procurement law (Law no. 14,133/2021), and based on similar figures widely applied in countries like the United States and France.
Conclusions: Efficiency contracts are an important tool used by public authorities internationally and its provision in the new public procurement law can help to mitigate the resistance of control authorities with their use in Brazil.


public administration; public contracts, performance; efficiency; international.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/rbpp.v11i3.8013

ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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