Feminist constitutionalism as a instrument for the educational transformation of spaces of intelligibility in law

Fábio Rezende Braga, Marcella Oliveira Araujo, Melina Girardi Fachin


The aim of this work is to focus on the gender perspective as a field of research, which is necessary for the pedagogical transformation of the space of legal intelligibility, based on the interweaving of feminist constitutionalism, legal education and Law. The importance of considering a gender perspective in the field of Law, especially in the classroom, lies not only in the methodological innovation that legal education must acquire, but also in the perception of how the legal system deals with its absence or limited presence. The method used is based on the assumption that if feminist constitutionalism reads and interprets the Law from a gender perspective, is it possible to use it as a tool in the learning process in legal education? In this context, this study contains a theoretical dialogue, and the first part aims to understand the challenges that patriarchy poses to the reading, reflection and interpretation of the Law. Furthermore, it is important to demonstrate what an expressive space of intelligibility means and its relation to a legal education perspective related to feminist constitutionalism as one of the possible areas of this educational transformation. Finally, it is proposed to integrate gender research with feminist constitutionalism as a learning opportunity to teach analysis of how a gender perspective can be a rich tool for thinking about the Law outside of traditional constitutional interpretation.

Palabras clave

gender perspective; Constitutional law; gender equality; feminist constitutionalism; legal education

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.5102/rbpp.v13i3.8678

ISSN 2179-8338 (impresso) - ISSN 2236-1677 (on-line)

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